They found gold on King Edward VII’s birthday in 1905 and Waiuta was born. Before the mine and town were abandoned in 1951 about NZ$1.5 billion in today’s dollars were extracted from the Blackwater and Prohibition Shafts.
We drove about thirty minutes from Reefton, the last 8k on an unsealed road, to see what’s left of this once-thriving town of 600 souls. Not a lot. But there’s a certain attraction to abandoned places, don’t you think?
This post is just a picture book. I hope you enjoy it.

Readers meet gorse. Gorse, readers.
Some would say that the two curses of New Zealand are sandflies and gorse. The former were always here. You can thank the British for the latter. To be fair, I’ve been told that gorse was a well-contained hedge plant in its natural home. But in New Zealand, it spread all over the country. No tramp through the bush is complete without a few leg lacerations.

Finally, I like rust and I can’t lie.

If you like rust, you should hear my voice when I sing. As for Gorse, it appears right up there with Shepards Pie.
I knew of gorse, of course, but I had never seen a pictures of its barbs. Yikes!
Was just reading a book about Ghosts and How to See Them!
Very fine reading, and for preparing for a Ghost Town post!
[Rhymes for gorse: horse, hoarse, force, source, course, coarse, Morse . . .
I feel a poem coming on. I’ll spare you.]
Thank you for the excellent post.
Have I mentioned canaries lately? Take them with you into those mine shafts!
Check out Kinzua, Oregon. My father’s birthplace and ghost town! Love, MEB