The Pass

As we drove up the western side of Arthur’s Pass and down the eastern I thought, “Geez, I rode up this on a fully-loaded bicycle?”

The western approach is shorter and steeper. On my bike trip, we descended this side.

It’s obvious why this stretch of highway has overhead protection. You’ll see lots of slips in subsequent photos.
The viaduct is relatively new. They got tired of repairing the old road every time it slipped into the valley.
You can see the remains of the old highway above the slip. This was the route I followed.
Rata trees in bloom on the hillside
Looking eastward towards the summit

We stopped at Arthur’s Pass village for coffee and a couple of hikes.

The youth hostel where I took advantage of the kea-proof shed is behind the store.
We’re off to the Devil’s Punchbowl Falls
Sound advice

Temporary houses for railway workers were made of corrugated iron. Many remain have been converted into permanent housing.

The railway line runs from coast to coast via a five-and-a-half mile long tunnel that climbs about 850 feet.

Here’s the upper end of the tunnel.
Steam locomotive boilers rusting quietly away.
The sometimes-used locomotive turntable. Now used for tourist train steam engines.

Heading down the eastern side of the pass.

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