I love T-Mobile Thanks to free cellular data worldwide, I’m writing this post while zipping along on the train to Sevilla.
I was tempted to title this ”Mary Anne Eats” because I found that I have several food photos. Let’s starts with them.

On the way to the Sacromonte, we came across The Palace of the Cordova, an old villa that is now used for government offices. The gardens and courtyard are open to the public, as is one room that serves as an art gallery.

Something I found interesting while walking by a derelict house below the Alhambra: there are multiple levels of walls and other defensive structures between the river and the hill. What ar first looks like hillside, is really a series of bunkers. Also notice the complicated interior construction of the walls and arches.

Finally, the interior courtyard of a rich guy’s house. The open air courtyard with rooms off of the covered balconies is typical.