Do you know that the word Gypsy comes from the word Egypt? For a long time nobody knew or cared where gypsies came from, but there was speculation that they were Egyptian. Turns out they migrated from India in the 14th century.
I suppose this implies that Gyp is derived from Gypsy. I often wondered whether it was the other way around.
I’m annoyed by our tendency to make ourselves feel better – to feel like we’ve accomplished something – by renaming things. In the States, we no longer have disabled people, we have the Differently Abled. But do we adequately fund services to help them function in society? We no longer have homeless folks, we have People Experiencing Homelessness. Like it was some sort of carnival ride. My point: until you are prepared to adequately fund effective programs to help others live better, stop with the renaming.
Excuse me for a minute, I have to go yell at some kids to get off of my lawn.
Now, where was I? Oh yeah, renaming.
Gypsies became Travelers became Roma.
And today, our last in Granada, we walked up the steep, steep streets into the hills beyond the Albayzin to see the Roma.
The statue in the photo at the top of this post is a fellow called Chorrohumo. Have you heard of a Gypsy King? He was one. Amongst his duties was the responsibility to resolve disputes between families. He was also a popular city guide in the 1950s.
Chorrohumo’s statue at the head of Camino del Sacromonte (below) marks the entry to the district.

As we stroll along the street, everything is on the uphill side. What isn’t obvious is that many of the houses are caves dug into the steep hillside.

According to one source, the restaurants are known for some creative math when it comes to the bill and for forceful advocacy for their position.

High above the Camino del Sacromonte is the only other street, which seems to be unnamed.

A rooftop patio with an excellent view.

All of Sacromonte shares this view of the Alhambra.

This photo didn’t turn out to be quite as revealing as I’d hoped. This attractive courtyard leads to a house dug into the hillside.

Mary Anne is probably smiling because all the hill climbing is done.