Before we begin, let me ask you this: If most folks call Matia Island Mah-TEE-ah, why isn’t Sucia Island pronounced Sue-SEE-ah?
Just goes to show that you can’t count on anything.
Prior to this trip, I didn’t know that the small Island that forms part of Fox Cove even had a name. But, thanks to friend and superstar mariner Deb, I now know that it not only has a name, but is an excellent place for a stroll. At low tide, anyway.

I hope you like rocks because Little Sucia has plenty of ’em and that’s mostly what I’m going to show you. You might want to zoom in to get a better look at the detail in some photos.

These rocks look like someone has sprayed them with Silly String! I suppose a geologist might say that the veins of darker material are a different, harder rock that is eroding more slowly than the lighter rock.

Have you ever seen this before? I haven’t. What are those linguini-like strands hanging off of this log?

It’s the layer under the bark coming off in strands. Weird.

We saw a few of these amongst the rocks and tide pools. Looks like plastic doesn’t it? It seems to be the structural material (cellulose?) inside a kind of seaweed.

The view down Fox Cove from Little Sucia. All the trees are on Sucia Island. The small boat in the distance slightly left of center belongs to friends Deb and Mary.

Oh boy! It’s time for Find the Face in the Rock!! There could also be a more phallic interpretation.

The variety of materials in these uplifted layers was fascinating.

Mary Anne makes a discovery. Have we found one of the Lost Buoys of Matia?

A lot going on here…

…including this interesting line of evenly-spaced flat rocks all in a row. You can’t see it here (maybe in the previous photo), but the row continues for a long way. It’s tempting to think that a very long time ago, some human or pre-human collected and arranged them. But I guess that’s impossible.

We saw a number of examples of this: bits of rusting iron embedded in other material. I suppose it’s naturally-occurring iron ore.

This was a cool rock; one material capped with another.

This rock is kind of the reverse of the Silly String rocks. Perhaps softer material wearing away leaving this “pebble – mosaic” effect.

Full disclosure: this “shell tree” was on Sucia, not Little Sucia, but I couldn’t resist showing it to you!