The big draws in this part of the Dordogne are the prehistoric cave drawings and outdoor activities. I’ll show you our little village which stretches right up a sheer cliff and includes an ancient cave dwelling similar to those of the natives of the American Southwest. Then you’ll get to ride along on our five hour canoe ride down a stretch of the Dordogne river, passing a few villages and chateaux along the way.
Our hotel, La Belle Étoile.

The Dordogne river flows alongside the village. That’s a privately-owned chateau in the distance.

Visitors who don’t want to canoe, can ride a replica of a boat that used to transport wine to Bordeaux.

At the entrance to our hotel after a post-dinner stroll.

We set out on our five hour canoe journey from Vitrac to Saint-Vincent-du-Cosse. Should have taken the three hour version starting in La Roque-Gageac instead.

I found this sign above what seemed to be a memorial to a dead pet. It reads:
“Know that your indelible impression remains – we love you”

Approaching La Roque-Gageac. Note the giant cave on the hill with modern bracing and the scary wooden steps leading up to it.

That’s the local chateau in the background. I was told a British family owns it.

The Chateau de Castelnaud-la-Chapelle

The village of Beynac-et-Cazenac.