Four years ago, I wrote a short study of a type of guy who was becoming increasingly common: the aggressive far-right asshole. I called him Johnny Freedum. Johnny is the sort of person who thinks that our flag belongs exclusively to people like him. You know, patriots.
Other beliefs, lifestyles, or religions are not patriotic. Just Johnny’s tribe. Four years ago, he didn’t have a name for these others. Now he calls them The Enemy Within. Johnny knows nothing of the history of this phrase.
I thought I might drop in on Johnny from time to time, but lost interest. Willful ignorance and pointless meanness just aren’t that interesting.
So rather than advance the storyline, let’s take another look at our boy Johnny teaching someone a lesson…

Johnny loves his freedom; the freedom to do whatever he wants, and the freedom to tell other folks what they can and can’t do.
Johnny Freedum was in a good mood. He’d just heard a guy on Fox say that the Constitution – the Constitution of the United States of America! – guaranteed that he did not have to stay home just because some damned Governor said so.
“God, I love this country!”, Johnny thought to himself as he barreled down the highway on his way to work. It was loud in the cab and Johnny cranked the volume so he wouldn’t miss anything. He turned to look at the two large flags flapping on their posts. “Worth the noise”, he thought, to show how proud he was of his country.
Up ahead, Johnny spotted a small car poking along. He downshifted and floored it as he passed, covering the car with a dark, oily cloud of diesel exhaust. “Fuck you snowflake”, Johnny thought. He rolled down his window and shouted, “Whoo!”
“What an asshole”, the car owner thought.
Hyperbolic Fearmongering ! That’s what it is ,in total. Johnny is the expert!
Thanks for spreading the message!
Remember the ecstasy that we felt when Obama was elected! And then came the Tea Party and the joy, hope and positivity was swamped by fear, hate and greed. So much has devolved since then.