People live on the local islands for various reasons. Some work in the timber or fishing industries, some love the quiet. Every now and then, I see a house I like and I take a photo.

If you’re interested in what life was like for the unimaginably tough men who made their living as hand loggers, not to mention their wives who had to do everything else, I have a few book recommendations.
- The Curve of Time, M. Wylie Blanchet
- Full Moon Flood Tide, Billy Proctor
- Heart of the Rain Coast, Billy Proctor
- The Inlet: Memoirs of a Modern Pioneer, Helen Piddington
- Passage to Juneau, Jonathan Raban
You can still find Billy Proctor welcoming visitors to his “museum” filled with items collected over a lifetime of beachcombing. But you’ll need a boat as he lives in a tiny house, on a tiny cove on Gilford Island.
Love it, Love it, Love it! <EB