When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the starsThis is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Hornby Island is a cool place. There are a couple of excellent white sand beaches, and a “village center” with a co-op, food stalls, a flower garden, and tie-dye shirts. Also a concert venue, wineries, and a farm market. And there’s a free bus that connects them all.
Here are a few not-very-well-organized photos that I hope will give you a sense of the place.

Out of curiosity, and possibly terror, what is the water temperature in all these places where you have been going for a swim?
Warmer than you’d think. The lakes have been like a cool swimming pool – takes your breath away at first, then fine. The ocean can be warm because there’s little tidal exchange so the water can get warm in the summer.
Looks great enjoy the white sand beaches..swimming at Jericho these days but tide not high till late evening