It was the best of posts, it was the worst of posts.
With apologies to Charles Dickens
OK, “worst” may be a little harsh. But it worked with the quote and isn’t that what’s really important?
I say worst because there isn’t a lot of new information here. But it’s best because as of April 7th, we have a complete boat!
The top and hull are glued together much as you might assemble a model of a boat. The adhesive is 3M 5200. If you spread it between any two surfaces, you’d better mean it because you will have to cut them apart.
So far as I know, the only place 5200 is not used is to attach the top of the pilothouse. An adhesive called Sikaflex is used there so that, with some effort, the top can be removed. Why would that be necessary? Perhaps if the engine had to be replaced.
With the help of an overhead lift, the top is positioned over the hull.

There is a lip on the top that fits over the upper edge of the hull. It’s like a lid on a shoebox.

Look carefully at the bow. You can see the “box lid” clearly.

And just like that, we have a boat!
Next: Ètude – What A Mess!