And So It Begins

And So It Begins

Our European journey started off smoothly. Our driver showed up as arranged, the ferry to Seattle was right on time, and we sped through check-in at the airport in near record time. Then I almost caused us to miss our flight.

Things had gone so well that we found ourselves with over an hour to kill. Continuing our string of good luck, there was a Priority Pass lounge adjacent to our departure gate. Up we went to spend an hour or so quaffing free food and drink. While sipping a Manhattan, I got a text message saying that our flight was delayed by 15 minutes.

We left the lounge twenty minutes before the revised departure time. As I descended the stairs I heard my name being called. It was a final call for Stephen and Mary Anne before the airplane door was closed! The gate agents were so happy to see us that they didn’t even check our boarding passes or passports.

it seems that I missed a second text message that said our departure was “pulled back” to its original time. When does that ever happen?

After that bit of drama, everything went well. We found our home for the next two days, a small Chambre d’Hõte run by Mme. Suzanne, an artist.


And then it was off to dinner at Auberge Andre


That’s the largest serving of duck that I’ve ever seen!

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