First off, let’s get this straight: it’s not GAB-re-ola, it’s GAY-brie-ola. Why? Canada.
Silva Bay, on the east side of Gabriola, is a popular jumping-off point for boaters intending to cross the Strait of Georgia. That’s because Silva Bay opens directly into the Strait, so no time is wasted getting there. When the conditions are favorable, you want to go. Now. When your boat moves at about bicycling speed, as Étude does, you don’t want to waste an hour of good weather traveling from some more remote place.
We’ve visited Silva Bay many times but have never explored it. It’s just been: arrive, eat, sleep, depart. This time, we decided to devote a day to seeing what lies beyond the marina.
Gabriola is a nice place. Not too crowded, with some attractive Provincial parks, but chronically short of water like most of the Islands hereabouts. As we cycled along, I took a few pictures of things that caught my eye. If there’s a theme, it’s “decrepit machinery.”
The photo above is a Catholic Mission. We found this beautiful crucifix beside it. One thing about Islands, they attract some amazing artists.

This farm has a set of pull-out signs used to indicate what they have for sale. If you want anything other than eggs today, you’re out if luck.

What is it with old wrecks and forests? There’s a car on Stuart Island, a friggin’ airplane on Galiano. Probably lots more.

Now I know who hit that pickup truck!