Billy Proctor’s Museum

Billy Proctor’s Museum

Bill Proctor has lived all of his 85 years in the Broughton area. He worked as a logger, trapper and fisherman for many years. Later in life, he became a passionate advocate for habitat restoration, primarily salmon.

During his time, Bill met many of the true old-timers; men and women who came by boat in the late nineteenth century and carved a living out of the forest with their own hands.

Bill kept his eyes open and amassed a remarkable collection of things either abandoned or forgotten. He’s opened a small museum to show off some of the thins he’s found. It’s also a good way to meet people.

If you’re in the area, stop by, sit down, and say, “Billy, tell me a story.”








Bill has written two books about the Broughtons and the folks who lived there. They are a lens into a lost age and an incredibly challenging way of life.

If you show up at the museum, you can buy an autographed copy of Full Moon, Flood Tide or Tide Rips and Back Eddies. Or you can sit home and order them from Amazon.

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