Going Down…

Going Down…https://ghost.convoglio.com/content/images/wordpress/2021/07/1A545CB0-20DA-4651-AD04-3FBF4F357170-2048x1411.jpeg

I published a ton of photos of South Puget Sound last year. Since we’re covering a lot of the same ground (er, “water”) this year, I’ll just post photos of a few things I found attractive or unusual.

From north to south…

This cute river otter decided to hang out on our neighbor’s swim step at Port Hudson marina in Port Townsend. I like these guys. They roll around playfully, much like a pussy cat. Some people think that they are sea otters, but they are not. Sea otters were hunted almost to extinction for their fur and are rarely seen today.
A boat on the rocks in front of a city whose administration is completely adrift.
This is what can happen when you fail to follow the marked channel, particularly at an exceptionally low tide. Assuming no serious damage, this guy will be high and dry for about three hours until the tide rises enough to float him off. Meanwhile he’ll be the subject of countless photos by boaters like us and passengers on the Bainbridge Island ferry.
Passing under the Tacoma Narrows bridge(s).
Houses on pilings outside the entrance to Gig Harbor. No road or even a trail down that I can see. Could access be only by boat at high tide?
It’s as if someone magically transported a villa from Lake Como to Johnson Point, just north of Olympia. I once looked up the story of this place, but no longer remember the details. I do remember that the interior seemed very beautiful. Too bad no one with enough money to really finish it off owned it. The surrounding houses are on land that used to belong to the villa.
These folks really, really want to get to the beach!